Saturday, September 29, 2007

Get Excited! Ad2 Tampa Bay's AD Bash is in the works!

Hey all you honorary actors and actresses!

It's time to get excited because plans for Ad2 Tampa Bay's Annual Ad Bash are already in the works!

Please join us at this year's Ad Bash Friday, November 9th when Tampa's own Hyde Park Cafe will be transformed into a fine Hollywood-themed Extravaganza!

The red carpet rolls out at 6:00pm and the party goes til 10:00pm. So get out there and start shopping for your best Hollywood-themed attire and mark your calendars now. For just $10, you'll have access to a night of fine Hollywood glamour, great food and drinks, and networking with Ad2 Tampa Bay!

A portion of the proceeds will go to a special Ad2 sponsored charity which will be officially announced soon!

So remember:

Ad Bash 2007
November 9, 2007
Hyde Park Cafe
Tampa, Florida

Hope to see all of you there!

Look for flyers and more event information, out soon!